Events and Webinars

From SQE events to careers and employability, our events provide you with the perfect opportunity to learn more about SQE1 and SQE2, learn more from professionals in the industry and discuss current trends.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

Assessment Centre Masterclass: Interview with an industry expert

If you are looking to apply to law firms, you will undoubtedly come across the rigorous process of assessment centres. To help you navigate this, join in on the webinar where we will interview a legal careers expert of over 10 years of experience to find out exactly what you need to know in order to prepare and succeed at your next assessment centre.

Wednesday 7 February, 3pm – 4pm

Register now >

The Modern Lawyer is a Legal Techpreneur: Practical Lessons from Gavel and Hello Divorce

Within this event, hear from Brittany Hernandez who is a lawyer, legal tech developer and educator, and the Global Ambassador to Law Schools for Gavel. Gavel is an easy-to-use document automation and legal productization platform for lawyers that serves as the automation infrastructure for the modern, scalable law practice.

Thursday 22 February, 1pm – 2pm

Register now >

Watch Our On-Demand Webinar Recordings

On-demand webinars for students

Our on-demand webinars cover a wide range of topics, including information on the SQE Prep courses and careers and employability advice. These sessions offer essential guidance for aspiring solicitors, legal professionals, and anyone looking to enhance their legal career, ensuring you're well-prepared for the SQE and equipped for a successful legal career.

Some of these events include:

  • Scholarships and funding
  • SQE v LPC: Which route should I choose?
  • Resilience and stress management

BARBRI Industry Insights: Webinars about legal careers

As a law tech global leader, we have over five decades of experience advocating and future-proofing digital-savvy talent into the profession.

We have a programme of events called SQE Industry Insights. These sessions are for those interested in learning more about the latest legal industry trends. The session are led by industry experts who explore the impact and implication of current legal professional developments.

Some of these events include:

  • Mastering hybrid working as a legal trainee
  • Robots vs lawyers: How tech is shaping the legal industry
  • Mindful Business Charter: How to manage work-life balance

On demand webinars for firms, faculties and companies

We help law firms, organisations and university faculties to understand the practicalities around their transition to the SQE.

Some of these events include:

  • Integrating legal education through apprenticeships
  • Insights and experiences following the recent SQE exams

Find out more

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